Êtes vous prêtes à faire sauter un bouchon ?

Note: les événements ci-dessous sont ouverts aux hommes et aux femmes, aux membres et non-membres. Les hommes doivent être accompagnés par une femme pour les événements en présentiel, mais pas pour les événements virtuels. En cas de doute, n'hésitez pas à demander.



Le 11 mars 2022
De 19h30 à 22h30

Lieu 75015, Paris

If you are an art-lover and a champagne-lover, then don't miss this opportunity to meet Caroline Brun, an artist who paints champagne, and Christine Piot-Sévillano, a woman who makes champagne. We will host a special workshop together delving into the different styles of rosé champagnes.

50 Shades of Pink (SOLD OUT)

50 Shades of Pink (SOLD OUT)

Caroline BrunIf you are an art-lover and a champagne-lover, then don't miss this opportunity to meet Caroline Brun, an artist from Äy who paints champagne, and Christine Piot-Sévillano, a 10th generation grower and owner of a small domaine in Vincelles.


Together, the 3 of us will host a special workshop delving into the different styles of rosé champagnes.


Caroline will bring a selection of her paintings of rosé champagnes and explain how and why she paints.


We will taste 5 rosé champagnes made by women and talk about their differences, from grape to glass. We will pair these champagnes with food and with Caroline's paintings.


You will learn tons and have fun!


Cost: 100€ for Delectabulles members and 115€ for non-members.

Duration: 3 hours



  • Maximum 12 participants. 
  • Exact address will be provided upon registration, but it is near metro Motte-Piquet in the 15th.
  • Don't eat before you come. I am renowned for serving generous portions!

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