Êtes vous prêtes à faire sauter un bouchon ?

Note: les événements ci-dessous sont ouverts aux hommes et aux femmes, aux membres et non-membres. Les hommes doivent être accompagnés par une femme pour les événements en présentiel, mais pas pour les événements virtuels. En cas de doute, n'hésitez pas à demander.



Le 24 oct. 2020
De 17h à 20h

Lieu 75015, Paris

Back by popular demand! Come meet like-minded women and try pairing a selection of fabulous cheeses with 4 different champagnes made by women. Both men and women are welcome.

Cheese and Champagne Workshop - Saturday Co-ed

Cheese and Champagne Workshop - Saturday Co-ed

A glass of champagne, a slice (or two, or three) of Brillat-Savarin cheese, some crusty French bread, and I am in heaven. If you are a cheese-lover, a champagne-lover, or both, than this workshop is for you!


When you are invited to a French person's place for dinner, you will likely be served a red wine when the cheese platter is brought out, but... When you treat yourself to a French Michelin starred restaurant, the sommelier will usually recommend a white wine. That is because white wine pairs much better with most cheeses than red wine, and champagne is the ultimate white wine to pair with cheese.


Come meet some like-minded women and have fun pairing 4 different champagnes with a selection of at least 5 different cheeses. Between sipping and tasting you will learn why champagne pairs so well with cheese, and how to predict which champagne will pair better with which cheese. 


Cost: 65€ for Delectabulles members and 75€ for non-members



  • Registration is limited to 8 participants. Men can register as long as they are accompanied or vetted by a woman.
  • Exact address will be provided upon registration, but it is near metro Motte-Piquet in the 15th.
  • Don't eat before you come. I am renowned for serving generous portions!
  • If this date doesn't suit you, happy to host a private workshop for you and your friends. Minimum 6 participants.

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